Saturday, November 30, 2019
La Belle Dame sans Merci and The Eve of St Agnes Essay Example
La Belle Dame sans Merci and The Eve of St Agnes Paper The poet John Keats, inspired by the sentimental nature of his unrequited love for Fanny and the depression he felt due to the death of his mother and his brother, wrote both ballads using the key theme of time, to engage the listener. The use of tenses links succinctly in with Keats use of time. The change of tenses throughout La Belle Dame, whereby the first three verses are set in the present tense, no birds sing, verses four to eleven are set in the past, I met a lady and verse twelve is again set in the present, no birds sing. The effect of this as well as the first and last verse including, Alone and palely loitering, is to create a circular chronological structure. This represents a question asked and answered within the poem and a feeling of entrapment within a cycle of death and love (key themes featuring in Keats poetry, and contextually in his life). Moreover, the lack of future tense suggests to the listener that there is to be no future and hence no hope adding to the melancholy mood produced by Keats. Conversely, Keats uses a linear chronology in the past tense throughout The Eve of St Agnes, How changed, in order to construct an ordered narrative. This separates the feel of both poems, distinguishing one (Eve of St Agnes) as more story-like than the symbolic other (La Belle Dame). This also infers to the listener that Keats use of time was a deliberate endeavour within his poetry and not simply the standard arrangement of poetic literature of the time. We will write a custom essay sample on La Belle Dame sans Merci and The Eve of St Agnes specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on La Belle Dame sans Merci and The Eve of St Agnes specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on La Belle Dame sans Merci and The Eve of St Agnes specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The use of seasons and the weather conditions in La Belle Dame create the ambiance and atmosphere of the poem. As the squirrels granary is full dictating that the harvests done and that the agricultural labouring and gathering of the summer growth is complete, this implies the beginning of autumn, leading on to winter, cold hills side, and the cold, desolation of the surroundings that is associated with it. This use of pathetic fallacy warns the listener for what is to come later in the poem, adding to the sense of intrigue and mystery. However, whilst he is with her, summer is inferred via the use of sensual floral references, garland for her head (touch), fragrant zone (smell), suggesting the warmth and intimacy of his feelings for her. This atmospheric separation between the seasons intensifies the loneliness and suffering of the knight after his meeting with her, alone and palely loitering. The Eve of St Agnes also uses a wintry setting, bitter chill, trembling [ frozen grass, frosted breath, yet this is used to conjure the symbolism of God and Madelines familys disapproval of their courtship. This creates the impression of a higher power perhaps scrutinising Porphyro and Madelines doings; Porphyros inner thoughts, fears and paranoia. Similarly, Keats use of the Moon represents the urgency of Porphyros passion, particularly as the moon is commonly associated with its lunar calendar, in which he has to capture Madeline before his opportunity is lost, Ive mickle time to grieve, an expression of his determination. Both poems create a medieval scene, La Belle Dame; knight-at-arms, pale warriors, faerys child, pacing steed, Eve of St Agnes; lofty plume (reference to a knights helmet), witchs sieve, liege-lord, Elves and Fays, wolves and bears, Merlin, Dame, maiden, queens and kings, mermaid, Beadsman, via a plague of fairy tale characters, having the effect of setting up both poems for an atmosphere of a differing time period to that in which Keats wrote the poems. This creates a historical parallel between the world Keats imagined within the medieval Romeo and Juliet-esque time period and his own affairs and thoughts of Fanny. In addition to this, the use of archaic language such as, La Belle Dame; steed, woebegone and Eve of St Agnes; thy, thee, Quoth, help create the practicality and realism within these imaginary characters and historical scenarios. Unlike the more untouched setting of La Belle Dame, the sedge has withered from the lake, Castle imagery is extensively used in The Eve of St Agnes; arched way, dusky gallery, chamber, balustrade, citadel, carved angels, level chambers, portraying the scene within the listeners minds eye. In addition, The Eve of St Agnes is written in Spenserian stanzas, adding to the medieval feel of the poem (Spenser invented the term Spenserian stanza to be used within his epic, medieval poem, The Faerie Queen). The use of an irregular rhyme scheme in The Eve of St Agnes- Iambic pentameter except for last line which is iambic hexameter suggests an ongoing narrative throughout as well as displaying the infrequency of the pagan Eve of St Agnes feast (whereby virgins may see their future husbands). Also, syndetic listing is included within the caesura, and sleep, and dream creating a rhythm comparable to that of a heart beat, in order to show how Porphyros fear creates a slow motion of time and an increased physical and sexual awareness, as he prepares to witness Madeline. La Belle Dame involves a similar rhyme scheme iambic tetrameter except for the last line of each stanza that are of varying length this variation of length represents the abrupt change in the relationship/ knights life, as the listener, lulled into a security within the regularity, is subconsciously disturbed by a change in rhyme in verse nine. Overall, the use of time in both poems aids the in-depth view into Keats life and emotional workings. Ultimately, it is his use of archaisms that create the setting, yet it is his use of tenses, seasons, rhythm and rhyme scheme that imply the subtleties of The Eve of St Agnes and La Belle Dame sans Merci.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Element Symbols List - Chemical Element Abbreviations
Element Symbols List - Chemical Element Abbreviations Its easier to navigate the periodic table and write chemical equations and formulae once you know the symbols for the elements. However, sometimes its easy to confuse symbols of elements with similar names. Other elements have symbols that dont seem to relate to their names at all! For these elements, the symbol usually refers to an older element name that isnt used anymore. History of the Abbreviations In fact, there are eleven of the abbreviations for the elements which dont seem to match the modern name. Those are subtle reminders of the history of the Periodic Table and the process of the discovery of elements over the millennia. Eight of these oddities are Au (gold), Ag (silver), Cu (copper), FE (iron), SN (tin), Pb (lead), Sb (antimony), and Hg (mercury): All were among the elements recognized by the ancient Greeks and Romans, and the abbreviations for those are based on a Latin or Greek term for the element.à Potassium was identified during the Middle Ages, and its K is for kalium, a medieval Latin term for potash. W stands for tungsten because it was first identified in 1780 within the mineral known as wolframite, by French scientist Antoine Lavoisier (1743ââ¬â1794). And finally, sodium gets an Na because it was first isolated by the English chemist Humphry Davy (1778ââ¬â1829) in 1807 and he was referring to natron, an Arabic word for the salt used by the Egyptians to mummify people. Element Symbols and Names Below is an alphabetical list of element symbols with the corresponding element name. Keep in mind that the names for the elements (and their symbols) may be different in languages other than English. Ac Actinium Ag Silver (argentum in Latin) Al Aluminum Am Americium Ar Argon As Arsenic At Astatine Au Gold (aurum in Latin) B Boron Ba Barium Be Beryllium Bh Bohrium Bi Bismuth Bk Berkelium Br Bromine C Carbon Ca Calcium Cd Cadmium Ce Cerium Cf Californium Cl Chlorine Cm Curium Cn Copernicium Co Cobalt Cr Chromium Cs Cesium Cu Copper (cuprumà in Latin) Db Dubnium Ds Darmstadtium Dy Dysprosium Er Erbium Es Einsteinium Eu Europium F Fluorine Fe Iron (ferrum in Latin) Fl Flerovium Fm Fermium Fr Francium Ga Gallium Gd Gadolinium Ge Germanium H Hydrogen He Helium Hf Hafnium Hg Mercury (hydrargyrum in Greek) Ho Holmium Hs Hassium I Iodine In Indium Ir Iridium K Potassium (kalium in Medieval Latin) Kr Krypton La Lanthanum Li Lithium Lr Lawrencium Lu Lutetium Lv Livermorium Mc Moscovium Md Mendelevium Mg Magnesium Mn Manganese Mo Molybdenum Mt Meitnerium N Nitrogen Na Sodium (natrium in Latin, and natron in Arabic) Nb Niobium Nd Neodymium Ne Neon Nh Nihonium Ni Nickel No Nobelium Np Neptunium O Oxygen Og Oganesson Os Osmium P Phosphorus Pa Protactinium Pb Lead (plumbum in Latin) Pd Palladium Pm Promethium Po Polonium Pr Praseodymium Pt Platinum Pu Plutonium Ra Radium Rb Rubidium Re Rhenium Rf Rutherfordium Rg Roentgenium Rh Rhodium Rn Radon Ru Ruthenium S Sulfur Sb Antimony (stibium in Latin) Sc Scandium Se Selenium Sg Seaborgium Si Silicon Sm Samarium Sn Tin Sr Strontium Ta Tantalum Tb Terbium Tc Technetium Te Tellurium Th Thorium Ti Titanium Tl Thallium Tm Thulium Ts Tennnessine U Uranium V Vanadium W Tungsten (wolframite) Xe Xenon Y Yttrium Yb Ytterbium Zn Zinc Zr Zirconium Sources Rouvray, Dennis H. Elements in the History of the Periodic Table. Endeavour 28.2 (2004): 69-74. Print.Scerri, Eric R. The Evolution of the Periodic System. Scientific American 279.3 (1998): 78ââ¬â83.à -. The Periodic Table: Its Story and Significance. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007.Yeston, Jake, Nirja Desai, and Elbert Wang. Setting the Table: A Brief Visual History of the Periodic Table. Science, 31 January 2019.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Famous Office Space Quotes
Famous Office Space Quotes If you are looking for funny quotations about work or quotes from the movie Office Space, here is a page you will enjoy. These quotes are about working in an office. And they are hilarious! Peter Gibbons: What if were still doin this when were 50?Samir: It would be nice to have that kind of job security.Bob Slydell: What would you say ya do here?Tom Smykowski: Well look, I already told you! I deal with the goddamn customers so the engineers dont have to! I have people skills! I am good at dealing with people! Cant you understand that? What the hell is wrong with you people?Peter Gibbons: Our high school guidance counselor used to ask us what youd do if you had a million dollars and you didnt have to work. And invariably what youd say was supposed to be your career. So, if you wanted to fix old cars youre supposed to be an auto mechanic. Samir: So what did you say?Peter Gibbons: I never had an answer. I guess thats why Im working at Initech.Peter Gibbons: Hes going to ask me to work on Sunday and Im going to do it because Im a pussy, which is why I work at Initech in the first place.Michael Bolton: Hey, I work at Initech and I dont consider myself a pussy.Samir: Yes, I a m also not a pussy. Samir: No one in this country can ever pronounce my name right. Its not that hard: Na-ee-ana-jaad. Nayanajaad.Michael Bolton: Yeah, well at least your name isnt Michael Bolton.Samir: You know theres nothing wrong with that name.Michael Bolton: There was nothing wrong with it... until that no-talent ass clown became famous and started winning Grammys.Samir: Hmm... well why dont you just go by Mike instead of Michael?Michael Bolton: No way! Why should I change? Hes the one who sucks.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
House of sand and fog Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
House of sand and fog - Movie Review Example As a consequence she tries to do what she can to get the house back including starting a relationship with a local police officer (Lester). The novel goes on to explain the background about the officer how he had an emotional upbringing and one of the reasons why he is reluctant towards the woman. The Iranian after marrying his daughter off, remember he is in the USA, spends the rest of his saved money which includes his sons future education funds into the house which he considers a good investment. His intention's is to eventually make a house like the villa he had in Iran. He thinks like the average Muslim man struggling to make a better future for his family. The woman whose house it was tries to plea with him but resorts to threatening him that he will be deported if he doesn't give her the house, the police officer aids her. The film finish's differently to the novel as the son (Esmail) who has an opportunity to shoot the police officer dies in a shootout by authorities as he is taken by the officer. And as a consequence his father the Colonel poison's his wife and then commits suicide. As the Colonel has rescued the woman twice from committing suicide when she walks in to see him in a plastic bag she tries to resuscitate him. But is too late; There is a mystery as to w hether she is arrested in her part of the events leading up to his death and family breakdown of the family in the novel. In the film When the Colonel finds out about the death of his son, he returns to the house to find the woman waiting there and then strangles her to death. He then suffocates himself and his wife. The woman and the police officer await trial after being imprisoned. The woman mimes a request for a fag as she is in a state after seeing the Colonel. Culture: The daughter's marriage in all cultures amongst the different sects in Islam re very important. They have to be done in a quality way so that the in laws accept the bride just as much as the husband does. It is the most important responsibility for a father. After this the next important thing is education. And for men in Islam education is of high importance. A father would correctly first support his daughter's needs to secure her future and then the son, just as has been shown and written about in the film. The Father did everything possible to achieve the dream he wanted for his family. Regardless of him being a political refugee from Iran he managed to do what any Muslim man would do for his family. It is a cultural fact. In comparison to the woman who was living in a house brought to her by her father and who became in a similar situation as if exiled from the house due to not paying taxes, her approach of revenge was more based on emotion and fear rather then practical and le gal. As the film does not reveal the history of the officer the fact is it is perceived as a racist American man who misuses the law. Film portrayal: If we look at the situation of the Iranian man who was working, had a family had money, he was in a stable situation and wanted to progress and he was within law Islamically and Country law to purchase the house. The woman was wronged by the law of the country for failing her by wrongly accusing her of not paying taxes and causing her to use the means she could to
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
The Impact of Video Games on Children or is video games have impact on Essay
The Impact of Video Games on Children or is video games have impact on children - Essay Example For example, a national conversation ensued regarding what relationship video games had to the Columbine High School massacre in 1999 when two students massacred 13 and wounded 23 before committing suicide. Though many motivations were probably involved, it is not practically feasible to identify exactly what provoked these teenagers to gun down their schoolmates and teachers but violent video games were and continue to be mentioned as a contributing factor. These two students had frequently played Doom, a bloody and brutal firearms game which is used by the U.S. military to instruct the armed forces how to kill with more effectiveness. To what extent this particular video game influenced the actions of these two high school students has been debated since this tragic incident. The entertainment medium, it is generally accepted, is an enormously influential dynamic in everyoneââ¬â¢s lives. ââ¬Å"What behaviors children and adults consider appropriate comes, in part, from the less ons we learn from television and the moviesâ⬠(Huesmann & Miller, 1994). It is logical to expect video games, especially those that depict violence, will have similar and perhaps a more extensive effect on violent behavior. Currently, few studies exist which have comprehensively examines the connection between violent video games and violent actions by children. As video games are increasingly becoming more explicit and brutal as well as more widespread, additional research is needed concerning the effects on the easily influenced minds of the children who play them and a clearer explanation to parents of the risks associated with these violent games. Not everyone agrees that video games lead to violent behavior. For example, according to James Potter, the Bugs Bunny and Roadrunner shows alone exhibited more instances of explicit violence than kidââ¬â¢s witness today during an afternoon of playing video games. Watching violent acts, particularly those in
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Corruption Essay Example for Free
Corruption Essay Introduction: If two or more persons meet together and start talking about the present society of India, they soon come to the conclusion that every system, every institution of India is infested with corruption. Corruption has become so common in public life that people are now averse to thinking of public life without this phenomenon. Meaning: But what does Corruption actually mean? Corruption means perversion of morality, integrity, character of duty out of mercenary motives (e.g. bribery) without regard to honour, right or justice. In public life, a corrupt person is one who bestows undue favor on someone with whom; he has monetary or other interests (e.g. nepotism). Simultaneously, those who genuinely deserve those things as their right remain deprived. Not a new phenomenon: Corruption in public life is not a modern phenomenon. It was prevalent in the political and civic life of even Maura period as has been discussed by Chanakya in the Arthassastra. (Give other examples)â⬠¦ But it is only recently that Corruption has become remnant in our public life. People no longer protest against corrupt practices, fight injustice or express any shock when big scandals are exposed. Also corruption is not uniquely Indian phenomenon; it is witnessed all over the world (USA, Japan, Italy, etc.) Forms of corruption in India: Explain bribery, nepotism, theft and wastage of public property, dereliction of dutyâ⬠¦ etc. Extent of corruption: Start with a hospital where a child is born and move further on to education ââ¬â system, career opportunities, political system, judiciary, law and order, other day ââ¬â to ââ¬â day activitiesâ⬠¦ till post ââ¬â modern report and crematorium. Results of corruption: Individual sufferings, people lose faith in the existing system, prevalence of chaos and ââ¬Ëanarchy, society disintegrates, country becomes weak, foreign invasion may occurâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬â¢ Causes of corruption: It is a vicious circle. Start with those politicians, who run the state, come down to higher officialsâ⬠¦ then to the lowest rung of bureaucratic hierarchy. Lastly, come to the general peopleââ¬â¢. Who elect theâ⬠corrupt people as their representativesââ¬â¢ and expect special favors from them.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Essay --
After studying the sonnet of Shakespeare, I think if the emotion between two men is only called male friendship, Shakespeareââ¬Å¸s sonnets assert too much love to be addressed to a man. It seems ridiculous that Shakespeare, a moral man addressed abundant affectionate sonnets to men. His poems use language of love: ââ¬Å"lord of loveâ⬠, ââ¬Å"eternal loveâ⬠, ââ¬Å"my lovely boyâ⬠, ââ¬Å"my friend and I are oneâ⬠, ââ¬Å"thou mine, I thineâ⬠. Those languages sometimes can be regarded as non-sexual friendship, in Shakespeareââ¬Å¸s work; they are certainly the language of sexual love. Many of the sonnets are saturated in the language of longing and desire; they showed some sorrow about the lacking of the male friendââ¬Å¸s ââ¬Å"sweet loveâ⬠. There are many explicit and implicit clues in the sonnets that show the male love in Shakespeareââ¬Å¸s heart. Next I want to turn to the plays, the male love are even more distinctly open to interpretation than sonnets. And some interesting things I found that is if the plays are open to gay readings then those readings will have their own kind of rationality. Some male characters in Shakespeare openly betray idealized intensity of affection for other men comparable to that expressed by the persona of the sonnets. One is Antonio, a comparatively minor character in Twelfth Night. It is easy to portray him as an older man enamored of a younger Sebastian who only partly under the nature of Antonioââ¬Å¸s affection, and such a description successful build a kind of sad atmosphere which saturate the pain of unreturned love. The male love brought out far more clearly not at the end of the play but in Antonioââ¬Å¸s first appearance. He and Sebastian appeared on a bed in which they had clearly just slept together. Indeed, Stephen Orgel has described Antonio ... ...ul is that maybe even Shakespeare can not answer the question that whether Bassanio, sometimes when a story is created, the emotions of characters do not all under controlled by the writers. In other irresponsible words, only Bassanio can answer the questions for us but maybe he does not want to say anything. Before talking about Shakespeareââ¬Å¸s racism of shylock, we can firstly focus on some background information. Shakespeareââ¬Å¸s plays showed his awareness of the ineradicable enmity between Christian generosity and the Jewish fixation on money. According to Stanley Wells, Shakespeare may be actually a German. How ever, not matter Shakespeare is belongs to which country. Nazi Germany should congratulate that Shakespeare can stands for them to show the understand of the racial psychology The merchant of Venice is a anti-semitic story which obviously appealed to the
Monday, November 11, 2019
Fahrenheit 451 and Brave New World Essay
Fahrenheit 451, by Ray Bradbury is a futuristic view of a society and its peopleââ¬â¢s roles. This prophetic novel, first written and published in the early 1950s, is set in a future where books, and the ideas they represent and manifest, are burned to prevent disruptions in society. Furthermore, TV is everyoneââ¬â¢s drug of choice, and independent thinking is basically illegal. Its central character, Guy Montag, is a fireman responsible to that society for ensuring those burnings takes place, but an unexpected chain of events leads him to question both himself and the society in which he lives. Bradbury employs the extravagance of life today. In addition to the advancement in technology and numerous occupations, in order to show how life would become if the future drastically turns for the worse. In future world of Bradbury there are ironic reversals of roles for people and things that one would have once taken comfort in, such as the role of the fireman, or the nature of a do g. Aldous Huxley also uses a similar concept, a society that is out of control, in his book Brave New World, which deals with a man living in a changed society. Brave New World by Aldous Huxley Published in 1932, is a futuristic society in which the individual is sacrificed for the state, science is used to control and subjugate, and all forms of art and history are outlawed. In short, the book fits into the classic mold of ââ¬Å"dystopianâ⬠literature. Huxley expects his readers to consider the role of science and literature of the future world. Unlike Fahrenheit 451, Brave New World includes a group of people unaffected by the alterations in society, a group that holds religious beliefs and marriage, to compare and contrast todayââ¬â¢s lifestyle to the proposed lifestyle of the future. One theme that both Brave New World and Fahrenheit 451 share is of individual discovery by rejecting a passive approach to life and dystopian society. In Brave New World the main characters the ââ¬Å"Savageâ⬠John and Bernard Marx eventually realize the errors within their own culture. Guy Montag, the protagonist in Fahrenheit 451, starts to realize that society could be better, but due to some events that are out of controlled by advanced technologies, little value placed on the importance of relationships between people and the ban of reading books. Montag is forced out on his own, missing from society, to live his life with others like h imself who have similar beliefs towardà society. Marx, from a civilized culture, questions why his society lacks history. He wonders why his society lacks books and why they were banned just because they are old and supposedly is not an encouragement to the new culture. By visited a reservation, a home of an ââ¬Å"uncivilizedâ⬠culture for savages, Marx is able to view first-hand information of how life and society use to be. Later he tries to combine some of what he saw into his work as an advertising agent. From this contrast with the other culture, Marx realizes more about himself as well. His view of things that confused him became more understanding. In ââ¬Å"Brave New Worldâ⬠the citizens who are lucky enough to be in a higher class enjoy a variety of pleasures from a drug called Soma to sex with multiple partners. What is unique about the society in ââ¬Å"Brave New Worldâ⬠is that the conflict cannot be discerned unless one digs deeper into the inner workings of the society. When that is accomplished one realizes that the society is built on the extreme views, such as abolishment of religion, that are only theoretical in our time but are practical in the novel. One of the most notable aspects of the novel is its use of scien tific concepts. The society in the novel has become so reliant on science and technology that they have replaced the biological process of child birth with a more mechanized assembly line type of system. John, often referred to as ââ¬Å"the Savageâ⬠because he was able to leave the reservation with Marx to go to London, also has a hard time adjusting to the drastic changes. The son of two members of the modern society was born and raised on the reservation but, he learned from his mother the values and the customs of the ââ¬Å"civilizedâ⬠world while living in a unique culture. These concepts, human reaction to changes in their culture and questioning of these changes, are plain throughout the book. Huxleyââ¬â¢s characters either conform to societyââ¬â¢s demands for uniformity or rebel or begin a process of discovery; there are no people in the middle. Huxley makes his own views of man and society evident. He shows that those who conform to the ââ¬Å"new worldâ⬠become less human, but those who actively question the new values of society realize the truth about society and people in general. An example of this is Huxleyââ¬â¢s views of drugs as an escape. The conforming members of society used widely a drug called soma, which induces hallucinations and escapes from the conscious world for two to eight hour periods. Those very few who did not, John included, did not because they thought the drug either unclean or anà easy escape, one not needed in a society aiming at making life very simple. By refusing to follow in this escape from reality, John is ultimately able to break from society and define his own destiny. Alike Brave New World, Fahrenheit 451 shares a similar theme of a character lost in his society. As Montag live his life he begins to realize things that he didnââ¬â¢t know existed and later is able to see through the government and the official policies of his society. He does so by gradually beginning to question aspect of society, which most people simply accept as fact. Montagââ¬â¢s job as a fireman serves as a setting to show how people passively accept the absurdity of their society. Instead of rushing to put out fires, as firemen do today, Montag rushes to start fires, burning the books and homes of people reported to have books. This was considered by most people to be a respectable profession. But on different occasions Montag took a book out of burning homes and want from time to time to read them. From this, he begins to question the values of his society. Fahrenheit 451 also relates to Brave New World with the concept when characters escape from reality through the use of soma, Montagââ¬â¢s wife, and many other characters, escape through watching a sophisticated form of television. This television system covers three of the walls of the Montagââ¬â¢s TV has a control unit that allows the watchers to interact with the characters on the program. Another unit inserts Mrs. Montagââ¬â¢s name into specific places, thus creating the image they the characters are actually conversing with her. Montagââ¬â¢s wife, having only a few friends that she rarely sees, spends much of her day in this room, watching a program called ââ¬Å"The Family.â⬠This program was a government sponsored program that showed the viewers what life at home should be like. Furthermore in Fahrenheit 451, the problem that Montagââ¬â¢s wife takes the program as a substitute for reality. She is al most addicted to the program, much as people were with soma in Brave New World. Bradbury uses this television and its programs as a way of showing the escape he is worried people will look for in the future. Without actively questioning societyââ¬â¢s values, he is concerned that people will look for ways to idly spend their time. But like Marx, Montag chooses not to take part in this addiction. By refraining, he can see the affects itââ¬â¢s use has on the people around him, much as Marx and more importantly John the Savage saw in their culture. While sharing many similarities thus the have many differences. Forà instance, Montagââ¬â¢s society is used to constantly being at war. Even though the wars last only a day or less, they serve as an element of control for the ruling group and as another technological display. In contrast, Brave New Worldââ¬â¢s society features ââ¬Å"peace.â⬠The inhabitants have been conditioned to think that mindless pleasure seeking and stability are key to happiness. They view the controllers as taking care of them and preventing ââ¬Å"unpleasantnessâ⬠such as war. In true Bradbury fashion, Fahrenheit 451 warns more against the dangers of an overdependence on technology than it does against overreaching governments. Brave New World does feature technology bein g used to control, but Huxley seems to be more concerned with illuminating how ruling parties obtain and keep power through a variety of methods. While the endings of both novels mirror the conclusions of other dystopian works, they are quite different from one another. Fahrenheit 451 concludes with reserved optimism. Montag has managed to escape Captain Beatty and the hound and even the destruction of the city and begins his life with the likeminded ââ¬Å"Book People.â⬠In Brave New World, John cannot live within the confines of his society and commits suicide. Both authors try to show that with life made easier by strong government control and a lack of personal involvement people will no longer spend their time thinking, questioning or developing their own ideas. Through these various diversions from normal behavior in society, Marx, John the Savage and Guy Montag are able to see the truths behind the societies they live in and are able to learn about themselves. And though their discoveries meant that their lives would be changed forever, the authors succeeded in showing that the key to humanity lies in thinking and questioning. These men found themselves through their own discoveries, much as Bradbury and Huxley hope others will do.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Drama Exploration Essay
During this task, we got into groups of four or five. Each of the four groups was given an Act from the play to create a statue of Proctor at contrasting moments. Proctorââ¬â¢s emotions varied; each statue had a very different objective, e. g. to intimidate, to plead, etc. My group, looked for lines to base our statues on in Act One. Through my statue of Proctor- I had a straight back, my arms + hands were pointed forward and I had a frown, based on the line,â⬠be you deafâ⬠¦ ââ¬Å", I discovered a few things about Proctor. Because the moment I chose was one that I preformed in an angry tone, I choose an angry line: ââ¬Å"Iââ¬â¢ll show you a great doinââ¬â¢ on you arseâ⬠¦ â⬠This line is preformed in mockery and is almost playful but, stern. I realized that Proctor is the only character so far to whom we can relate. He has a sense of humor and seems like the only character that is not constantly serious. Proctor is calm and we can visualize his entrance and aura. The fact that he has a sense of humor makes us, as the audience, like him. Group Two looked at Act Two. There were many contrasting moments. The statues that I remember did not focus on the relationship between Elizabeth and Proctor, to the extent that I would have liked. The statue that did a small investigation on how Proctor is feeling was Justinââ¬â¢s: Sitting on a chair, hands interlocked with a soft face and an arched back as if talking softly to someone (Elizabeth). He said his line ââ¬Å"I mean to please youâ⬠sincerely and softly. Because of Justinââ¬â¢s performance, I realized that Proctor and Elizabeth are still uneasy because of the affair. Furthermore, Elizabeth is being very difficult and Proctor is trying very hard to try and get the relationship back together. Another line which comes to mind is ââ¬Å"an everlasting funeral marches around your heart. â⬠This is when Proctor loses his temper; Proctor has tried really hard and is lashing out because of what Elizabeth said to him. The important thing that I realized: Proctor did commit adultery but, there is a substantial possibility that it was not entirely his fault. If Elizabeth is acting this way at this point ââ¬Å"un-cooperative and stubbornâ⬠there is a substantial possibility that she had the qualities before the affair, refining my point. Group Three looked at Act Three. During this scene that is entirely located in the courthouse, various things happen. Proctor entered the courthouse very calm: Andres portrays Proctor holding himself very high, his head is thrown back and he has his chest out, revealing the new information to the court: ââ¬Å"She never saw no sprits sirâ⬠The tone is almost pleading; Proctor is really respectful to the Judge and he understands that he needs to keep his temper cool. I believe that Group Three covered the main moments. They chose the line where Proctor looses his temper and finally cracks- Proctor calls Abigail a- ââ¬Å"whoreâ⬠- and reveals that he has had an affair. The important thing that I realized is: Proctor has admitted his sin to the Puritan society. Proctor knows by revealing the information about his affair with Abigail he has ruined his name in Salem. The reason why Proctor has revealed the information is important: he really loves his wife Elizabeth and he would sacrifice everything for her. Proctorââ¬â¢s plan backfires; Elizabeth tells a lie. Group Three choose that moment: ââ¬Å"God is deadâ⬠I realized that itââ¬â¢s not because Proctor does not believe in God. I realized and was reminded that Proctor says that because he believes that the events would not happen if God were looking after them: young girls should not be able to manipulate a court of grown men. Group Four looked at Act 4. At this point Proctor is broken. Proctor is shown having his life taken away; he still has his dignity. Proctor is reduced to almost nothing: he is kneeling, Proctor wanted his life. Proctor chooses to reveal he was working with the devil, because he wants to live with Elizabeth. Because of what Danforth wants from him Proctor lost his temper- Proctor is asked to sign his name to his statements. When Danforth asks him for his signature, at this point, Proctor has had enough and decided to be hung. The image, when Proctor stood tall and opposes Danforth, helped me understand something very important: Proctor is the hero of the play. Proctor chooses to die then make his friends die pointlessly. Proctorââ¬â¢s sacrifice: condemning himself to death instead of letting his friends die in vain. It would be so easy for Proctor to give up and live his life quietly in the farm. However, because of his sacrifice he has shown ultimate courage and goodwill. Proctor is the hero who we admire. Miller wants us to like Proctor. Proctor is human; he had an affair; we all have flaws. Proctor contrast, with other charters. Tituba was in a similar position but she broke and told lies. Proctor stood up for what is right. Proctor goes against the court and it costs him his life. Miller is trying to tell us something: Miller wants us to realize that heroes donââ¬â¢t always win. A hero is someone who stands up against adversity and does what he thinks is right. We repeated the same procedure with Abigail. However, Abigail had no lines in Act 2 and 4 so those two groups were forced to create images for Abigail. I was part of Group One. The statue that was shown had a lot of contrast. Abigail was shown as a girl that had different emotions depending on who she was talking too. Our group choose the moment where Abigail was threatened the other girls ââ¬Å"a pointy reckoning that will shudder you. â⬠I was the statue for that line. I closed my fist, as if mimicking the knife, and said my line cruelly with nostrils flaring. The audience had contrast between my line and Nicoleââ¬â¢s: ââ¬Å"give me a word Johnâ⬠¦ â⬠This shows that Abigail changes her personality refining my first point. Nicole said the line trying to seduce John, her head was tilted back and her face was soft, the audience has to realize that Abigail has not given up on John even though she had been sacked. Furthermore, Abigail changes her personality according to the people around her. Group Two focused on Act Two. Abigail had no lines in Act Two, so the group had to invent some. The statue that I think conveyed the importance of Act Two was Enriqueââ¬â¢s. Enrique was sitting on a chair clutching his stomach: rolled on the floor and groaned and said, as held up his hand, ââ¬Å"a needleâ⬠. The audience has to understand that Abigail really wants to kill Elizabeth ruining her name so. Because Abigail did this and said, we are told by Herrick, ââ¬Å"Goody Proctor sent her sprit on meâ⬠Elizabeth is taken to prison. Furthermore, John got direct and aggressive and decided to go with Mary Warren to confront the court. Group Three focused on Act Three. This is the scene where Proctor confronts the court trying to prove Abigail as a liar. The most important statue that I remember: Abigail in fright and her line ââ¬Å"Why do you come yellow bird? â⬠This acting by Abigail is very smart- she diverts all the attention away from her. Abigail is kneeling looking up with her hand in her hair, this makes her look venerable and we pity her. Proctor challenges her in front of the court revealing the affair, although not proven, to bring the tension away from her she chooses to make a scene. Through this acting the accusation of her innocence is forgotten, the attention is drawn to Mary Warren- Abigail is a smart girl and everything is planned in her mind. Group Four focused on Act Three. Similarly to Act Two, Miller only references Abigail not giving her any lines. The statue that I felt was most important: Abigail sobbing. Abigail had her head in her hands and said ââ¬Å"no! He is deadâ⬠. Abigail still loves Proctor. Abigail did not want Proctor dead, only Elizabeth. As a child, Abigail can not comprehend with Proctorââ¬â¢s mentality. Abigail does not understand that Proctor really loves his wife, the affair was a mistake. Abigail canââ¬â¢t accept that Proctor does not love her. The audience has to realize that Abigail did those things not to be popular or for fun. I feel that Abigail honestly wanted to hurt people. In act 2 and 4 Abigail has no lines but is mentioned and events- Elizabeth being taken to prison- a result of Abigail. This shows her importance and how events are carefully planned by her. She did exactly what she wanted to do. She is a leader and has a lot of power. Abigail, through the menacing lines warning and threatening her friends get what she wants.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Overrides in VB.NET - Using VB.NET Series
Overrides in VB.NET - Using VB.NET Series This is one of a mini-series that covers the differences in Overloads, Shadows, and Overrides in VB.NET. This article covers Overrides. The articles that cover the others are here: - Overloads- Shadows These techniques can be hugely confusing; there are a lot of combinations of these keywords and the underlying inheritance options. Microsofts own documentation doesnt begin to do the topic justice and there is a lot of bad, or out of date information on the web. The best advice to be sure that your program is coded correctly is, Test, test, and test again. In this series, well look at them one at a time with emphasis on the differences. Overrides The thing that Shadows, Overloads, and Overrides all have in common is that they reuse the name of elements while changing what happens. Shadows and Overloads can operate both within the same class or when a class inherits another class. Overrides, however, can only be used in a derived class (sometimes called a child class) that inherits from a base class (sometimes called a parent class). And Overrides is the hammer; it lets you entirely replace a method (or a property) from a base class. In the article about classes and the Shadows keyword (See: Shadows in VB.NET), a function was added to show that an inherited procedure could be referenced. Public Class ProfessionalContact ... code not shown ... Public Function HashTheName( ByVal nm As String) As String Return nm.GetHashCode End Function End Class The code that instantiates a class derived from this one (CodedProfessionalContact in the example) can call this method because its inherited. In the example, I used the VB.NET GetHashCode method to keep the code simple and this returned a fairly useless result, the value -520086483. Suppose I wanted a different result returned instead but, - I cant change the base class. (Maybe all I have is compiled code from a vendor.) ... and ... - I cant change the calling code (Maybe there are a thousand copies and I cant update them.) If I can update the derived class, then I can change the result returned. (For example, the code could be part of an updatable DLL.) There is one problem. Because its so comprehensive and powerful, you have to have permission from the base class to use Overrides. But well-designed code libraries provide it. (Your code libraries are all well designed, right?) For example, the Microsoft provided function we just used is overridable. Heres an example of the syntax. Public Overridable Function GetHashCode As Integer So that keyword has to be present in our example base class as well. Public Overridable Function HashTheName( ByVal nm As String) As String Overriding the method is now as simple as providing a new one with the Overrides keyword. Visual Studio again gives you a running start by filling in the code for you with AutoComplete. When you enter ... Public Overrides Function HashTheName( Visual Studio adds the rest of the code automatically as soon as you type the opening parenthesis, including the return statement which only calls the original function from the base class. (If youre just adding something, this is usually a good thing to do after your new code executes anyway.) Public Overrides Function HashTheName( nm As String) As String Return MyBase.HashTheName(nm) End Function In this case, however, Im going to replace the method with something else equally useless just to illustrate how its done: The VB.NET function that will reverse the string. Public Overrides Function HashTheName( nm As String) As String Return Microsoft.VisualBasic.StrReverse(nm) End Function Now the calling code gets an entirely different result. (Compare with the result in the article about Shadows.) ContactID: 246 BusinessName: Villain Defeaters, GmbH Hash of the BusinessName: HbmG ,sretaefeD nialliV You can override properties too. Suppose you decided that ContactID values greater than 123 would not be allowed and should default to 111. You can just override the property and change it when the property is saved: Private _ContactID As Integer Public Overrides Property ContactID As Integer Get Return _ContactID End Get Set(ByVal value As Integer) If value 123 Then _ContactID 111 Else _ContactID value End If End Set End Property Then you get this result when a larger value is passed: ContactID: 111 BusinessName: Damsel Rescuers, LTD By the way, in the example code so far, integer values are doubled in the New subroutine (See the article on Shadows), so an integer of 123 is changed to 246 and then changed again to 111. VB.NET gives you, even more, control by allowing a base class to specifically require or deny a derived class to override using the MustOverride and NotOverridable keywords in the base class. But both of these are used in fairly specific cases. First, NotOverridable. Since the default for a public class is NotOverridable, why should you ever need to specify it? If you try it on the HashTheName function in the base class, you get a syntax error, but the text of the error message gives you a clue: NotOverridable cannot be specified for methods that do not override another method. The default for an overridden method is just the opposite: Overrideable. So if you want overriding to definitely stop there, you have to specify NotOverridable on that method. In our example code: Public NotOverridable Overrides Function HashTheName( ... Then if the class CodedProfessionalContact is, in turn, inherited ... Public Class NotOverridableEx Inherits CodedProfessionalContact ... the function HashTheName cannot be overriden in that class. An element that cannot be overridden is sometimes called a sealed element. A fundamental part of the .NET Foundation is to require that the purpose of every class is explicitly defined to remove all uncertainty. A problem in previous OOP languages has been called ââ¬Å"the fragile base class.â⬠This happens when a base class adds a new method with the same name as a method name in a subclass that inherits from a base class. The programmer writing the subclass didnt plan on overriding the base class, but this is exactly what happens anyway. This has been known to result in the cry of the wounded programmer, I didnt change anything, but my program crashed anyway. If there is a possibility that a class will be updated in the future and create this problem, declare it as NotOverridable. MustOverride is most often used in what is called an Abstract Class. (In C#, the same thing uses the keyword Abstract!) This is a class that just provides a template and youre expected to fill it with your own code. Microsoft provides this example of one: Public MustInherit Class WashingMachine Sub New() Code to instantiate the class goes here. End sub Public MustOverride Sub Wash Public MustOverride Sub Rinse (loadSize as Integer) Public MustOverride Function Spin (speed as Integer) as Long End Class To continue Microsofts example, washing machines will do these things (Wash, Rinse and Spin) quite differently, so theres no advantage of defining the function in the base class. But there is an advantage in making sure that any class that inherits this one does define them. The solution: an abstract class. If you need even more explanation about the differences between Overloads and Overrides, a completely different example is developed in a Quick Tip: Overloads Versus Overrides VB.NET gives you even more control by allowing a base class to specifically require or deny a derived class to override using the MustOverride and NotOverridable keywords in the base class. But both of these are used in fairly specific cases. First, NotOverridable. Since the default for a public class is NotOverridable, why should you ever need to specify it? If you try it on the HashTheName function in the base class, you get a syntax error, but the text of the error message gives you a clue: NotOverridable cannot be specified for methods that do not override another method. The default for an overridden method is just the opposite: Overrideable. So if you want overriding to definitely stop there, you have to specify NotOverridable on that method. In our example code: Public NotOverridable Overrides Function HashTheName( ... Then if the class CodedProfessionalContact is, in turn, inherited ... Public Class NotOverridableEx Inherits CodedProfessionalContact ... the function HashTheName cannot be overriden in that class. An element that cannot be overridden is sometimes called a sealed element. A fundamental part of the .NET Foundation is to require that the purpose of every class is explicitly defined to remove all uncertainty. A problem in previous OOP languages has been called ââ¬Å"the fragile base class.â⬠This happens when a base class adds a new method with the same name as a method name in a subclass that inherits from a base class. The programmer writing the subclass didnt plan on overriding the base class, but this is exactly what happens anyway. This has been known to result in the cry of the wounded programmer, I didnt change anything, but my program crashed anyway. If there is a possibility that a class will be updated in the future and create this problem, declare it as NotOverridable. MustOverride is most often used in what is called an Abstract Class. (In C#, the same thing uses the keyword Abstract!) This is a class that just provides a template and youre expected to fill it with your own code. Microsoft provides this example of one: Public MustInherit Class WashingMachine Sub New() Code to instantiate the class goes here. End sub Public MustOverride Sub Wash Public MustOverride Sub Rinse (loadSize as Integer) Public MustOverride Function Spin (speed as Integer) as Long End Class To continue Microsofts example, washing machines will do these things (Wash, Rinse and Spin) quite differently, so theres no advantage of defining the function in the base class. But there is an advantage in making sure that any class that inherits this one does define them. The solution: an abstract class. If you need even more explanation about the differences between Overloads and Overrides, a completely different example is developed in a Quick Tip: Overloads Versus Overrides
Monday, November 4, 2019
Amore Pacific International Business Strategy Marketing Essay
Amore Pacific International Business Strategy Marketing Essay With low-barriers to entry, the competitive business environment of the cosmetics industry requires companies to secure stable sales channels, and make great marketing efforts to differentiate its products. However, the cosmetics industry is closely related to the fashion industry which is constantly changing and offer potential growth opportunities. Consequently, cosmetic products typically have short product life-cycles because which require mass-customization capabilities and production agility. Personal Care On the other hand, personal care products business is a relatively a mature industry. Also with a low-barrier to entry, the domestic market is currently saturated with competition. In addition, the emergence of large-scale discount stores and new sales networks has called for rapidly changing marketing and distribution channels. Consequently, the domestic personal care products industry is focusing on developing niche markets by differentiating its product as offering higher quality and value. 1.2. Overview of AMOREPACIFIC AMOREPACIFIC Corporation (ââ¬Å"AMOREPACIFICâ⬠or ââ¬Å"the Companyâ⬠) aims to become a global beauty company with its core businesses in cosmetics and personal care and health products. Founded in 1945 as a Pacific Chemical Company, AMOREPACIFIC Corporation has been involved in beauty products. With the corporate vision of ââ¬Å"The World will know us as the ââ¬ËAsian Beauty Creatorââ¬â¢,â⬠AMOREPACIFIC seeks to push the boundaries of traditional beauty with innovative solutions drawn from its rich Asian heritage.à [ 1 ] à The Company also stresses the five values: Openness, Innovation, Proximity, Sincerity, and Challenge to openly communicate with its customers and employees, pursue innovative ideas and new concepts, maintain physically and psychologically close to customers, fulfill obligations to society, and be passionate about overcoming challenges.à [ 2 ] à The Company first began its export sales via OEM and also began to sell cosmetics products under its own brand ââ¬Å"AMOREâ⬠in 1964. In 1990, the Company turned to international markets by establishing its first overseas subsidiary in France, followed by establishing its Shanghai and Chartres plants in 2002 and 2004, respectively. In 2010, AMOREPACIFICââ¬â¢s sales reached KRW 2 trillion, with operating profit of KRW 340 billion and net earnings of KRW 285 billion. The Company maintains its number one player in the domestic market with a 34.9% cosmetics market share in 2010. In terms of its overseas operations, the Company has enhanced its sales in 2010 by approximately 11% to KRW 335.8 billion.à [ 3 ] à With its strong domestic position, the Company is targeting sales and operating profit growth of 10% in 2011 by creation of growth markets. For each business segment, the Companyââ¬â¢s Cosmetics Division is focusing on securing competitiveness in the Asian markets through reinforcement of R&D activi ties to provide differentiated products and services. For the personal care products business or ââ¬Å"Mass Cosmetics & Sulloc Division,â⬠the Company is intent on strengthening domestic market competency by expansion into high-functional products in major personal care categories. 2. International Business Strategy of AMOREPACIFICââ¬â¢s Cosmetic Products AMOREPACIFIC aims to be a Global Top 10 cosmetics company.à [ 4 ] à While tapping on matured and developed markets such as North America and Western Europe, AMOREPACIFIC is more focusing on developing countries such as China and other Southeast Asian countries. To overcome the limitations of the market size and increasing level of competition in the domestic market and accomplish economies of scale through market expansion with its own line of competitive products, AMOREPACIFIC, utilizing its number one position in the domestic market, has been looking to develop overseas market with in its efforts to gain presence an d become a successful international player in a very competitive global cosmetics industry environment.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Marketing Term Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
Marketing Term - Research Paper Example Through engaging the consumer in a dialogue that promotes community and goodwill, there was no advertising campaigns until 2004, the company depending on word of mouth to promote its interests and gain a following. That following measures more than 4 million members, worldwide (Bloomberg). The marketing that has been engaged since 2004 has seen some turmoil with the perceived competitor, Weight Watchers, being directly confronted in a campaign, but the adversary fought back with a court injunction which ended that campaign. However, it might be concluded that Curves gained better publicity as being put in a position as a threat to Weight Watchers, so much so that they were directly confronted through legal action to shut down their advertising. This is a wise strategy, however, the company may soon face the same problems that Weight Watchers faces, which is as their targeted demographic ages out and the rising younger set sees them as a dinosaur of their motherââ¬â¢s age, combatin g a dated image will create an issue. Weight Watchers has confronted their problems through advertising that mimics the Jenny Craig advertising, using celebrities to promote their success through publicly visible weight loss on their programs. However, where Jenny Craig has used a middle aged set of celebrities, Weight Watchers used Jennifer Hudson to kick off their campaign, a decidedly younger star. This leaves curves facing the same problems as Weight Watchers in that through promoting a socialized setting, the age group becomes relevant to the attraction to the program. The following assessment will discuss the current and past methods of marketing that have been introduced for Curves. The background of the company will be given an overview in order to provide context in understanding the nature of the current standing of the company. An analysis of the marketing strategies and their results will be assessed for the successes and failures that have been experienced. A SWOT analy sis will then be conducted in order to provide an overview of the nature of the company in regard to how it will impact a marketing plan. The SWOT analysis will be addressed for the ways in which it can be utilized to address the future of the company. Finally, a summary of the marketing direction of Curves will be made with recommendations for addressing weaknesses and threats through exploiting the strengths and opportunities that are present. Background Curves International Fitness for Women has franchises in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Europe, Australia and Asia. The company has well over 6000 stores, with the rate of their expansion earning them a title in the Guinness Book of World Records (Heavin and Colman 2). The first store was opened in Harlingen, Texas, with the first franchise opening Paris, Texas in 1995 with all stores now being a franchised venue (Curves International Fitness for Women). The company was opened in 1992, and by 2003 had expanded to the 6000 stor e mark, placing them in the record book. Hoovers lists more than 10,000 company stores are in existence to date. Gary and Diane Heavin opened the stores with a specific demographic in mind. Gary Heavin had ten years of experience in the fitness industry before designing this model with a specific target demographic (Funding Universe). The intention was to address the needs of women through nutrition and efficient exercise that kept the sessions short, thus providing an easy
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